Women's Apostolic Alliance Presents...
An Evening With Julie Collins
27th June 2022, Upper Room, Mieke Court, Burleigh waters, QLD, 4220.
7PM,27th June 2022
Upper Room, Mieke Court,
Burleigh waters, QLD, 4220.
For years the enemy has been stealing our children, and people have not been aware of it. The church has kept herself locked inside her sealed house and turned a blind eye to the injustice that has been going on in the Institution known as the Family Law Courts. For over 10 years, Julie has been ministering to people who wrongfully lose their children.
Her passion is to educate, and equip leadership, strengthen and encourage the body of Christ to withstand the evil forces of this generation. Join us as she exposes the spiritual and physical blueprints the enemy has used against God’s people, and the nations.
Be encouraged as she brings forward Godly solutions and strategies to build a wall and fortress around the Body of Christ, empowering the church to minister in this area. Never before have we needed prophetic voices to rise up with Godly solutions.
Julie ran in the 2019 and 2022 Federal Election. She is an ordained Minister, and passionate advocate for Justice, particularly for children. She is the founding Director of a Harm Prevention Charity registered with the Department of Social Services, Shiloh Life Centre Ark of Hope Ltd, www.shiloharkofhope.com.
This meeting is open to both men and women as it is such an important topic that affects many families. I encourage church leaders and ministers to join us as this impacts many Christian families also. We daren’t be ignorant of the enemy and his schemes in this hour.
An offering will be taken to cover costs.
Supper will also be served.
If you know of any families that are going through this right now or have been through the Family Court I encourage you to invite them to what will be a very informative and powerful evening.