Margaret Ochsner

This word is Part 4 of a teaching by Margaret Ochsner, a member of Women’s Apostolic Alliance.

Part 4. Choosing to believe to receive freedom and healing.

I read a story once of a hitch-hiker in Asia, who had a heavy pack on his back. A truck came past and the driver stopped and offered him a lift. There were quite a few others in the back of the truck.

They had travelled quite a distance and he still had his heavy pack on his back. Someone said, “Why don’t you put down your pack and give yourself a rest?”

The man replied, “No, it is enough for the driver to give me a lift let alone my pack!”

So many Christians are like this. They give their lives to Christ, but they are still lumping along all their grief and fears and rejection issues. They are not free!

It was for freedom Christ came. He is the Burden bearer.

Colossians 2:15

Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them in it.

Jesus defeated Satan, sin, sickness, evil, fear, death at the cross on our behalf, but we have to appropriate the power of that defeat and that victory to be free.

Just because Christ died, is everybody saved? No, we have to believe, ask and receive the gift of salvation by faith.

It is the same with healing and freedom. We have to believe it is there for us, ask and receive it by faith.

Steps to receiving healing and freedom.

1. Forgiveness.

We need to choose to forgive all those who have hurt, rejected us, traumatised, betrayed, abused, abandoned us and caused us to be fearful etc. Forgive is an act of our will. We need to forgive specifically!

What they did wasn’t right. It caused tremendous pain, hurt, devastation, trauma etc. but unforgiveness binds us to them, to the wound, and the past, and blocks our relationship with God. Forgiveness frees us!

2. We need to release judgement of them to God.

He is the righteous judge. Only He sees and knows all the reasons they were like they were and did what they did.

3. We need to own how it made us feel.

The hurt, the grief, the disappointment, the rejection, the trauma, feeling disempowered, overlooked, devalued etc.

4. We need to own how we felt towards them.

The anger, frustration, resentment, hate etc.

5. We need to repent where we have reacted and treated them wrongly or come back in a similar spirit.

Where we have hurt or rejected them or retaliated.

6. We need to bring all this hurt, pain rejection etc. that others have caused and our wrong reactions to the cross.

 7.    Picture Him there with the eyes of faith. (We know Christ is no longer on the cross, but that is where He paid the for price for all our sins, and the sins that have been done against us, and our sinful reactions.) Choose to let all that hurt, pain, rejection, trauma etc. go, or ask Jesus to lift it off you.

8. Claim the blood of Jesus to wash, cleanse, free and release us from all of these things.

9. Appropriate Christ’s defeat of these things at the cross. Identify with Him taking it on His body and taking it to the grave and it being buried with Him there.

10. Strip it of all power, false authority and access it has given Satan. Axe it at every root where it has come in. Grief, rejection, fear etc. are binding things that bind us to the past, the person and the wound and these things give the Enemy access.

11. Command these things off your life in the name of Jesus and the power of His blood that was shed for you.

12. Sever all hurtful and unhealthy verbal, emotional, physical, spiritual, or soul ties or connections with those who have caused hurt and damage in the past.

13. Come and appropriate the victory of His resurrection. Receive God’s resurrection life and power, His love, peace and comfort back into all these vacated areas.

14. Embrace, the New Day.

15. Every day come and get a fresh anointing of His love, peace, acceptance, power, authority, strength, wisdom, protection, provision. Whatever you need. It is all found in Him.

Romans 12:1

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

Surely this is only reason able after all He has done for us. He is just wanting vessels to fill and operate through.

Verse 2.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

At the end of each day, can God put His signature of approval on your day. Can you see His smile?

Let’s live for that! Let us be Christian believers and receivers and doers of His Word. His modern day disciples.

If God says it, it is “Yes Sir!”

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