Report -Fivefold Ministry training day held on 28 January 2023

Glenice Mills, teaching on the Fivefold Ministry


Recently we held our first training day of the year. It was a very powerful and fruitful day.

As I was preparing for this day the Lord told me to make what He was showing me into a manual. I soon realized there is a great need for this teaching on the fivefold ministry. The content is thorough and as I taught, it became evident that so much more could have been explored in greater detail.

There is a hunger for greater understanding about the fivefold and it needs to get out into the body of Christ more. It is a time for the saints to come into greater maturity. There is so much in the Scripture Ephesians 4:11-16. As we looked in detail we saw God’s plan for His people to come into unity of the faith, and to grow up into Him. This can only happen when the true fivefold ministers are positioned where they are meant to be.

We examined each ministry – the pastor, teacher, evangelist, prophet and apostle – their unique attributes, the pitfalls of each, Jesus our example, and how to equip in the nature of each of these ministries.

A picture was painted of the problems that can arise where there is misunderstanding between the different ministries, and how we can also build to bring them together, bringing the fullness of Jesus Christ to His people.

Many who attended this day gained clarity about whether they were called to fivefold ministry, or not. It answered their questions, and settled to those who were not called, that they can stand with and build on the vision of the ministries they are with. Sometimes it is more powerful to know what we are not called to so we don’t waste time being planted in the wrong place, and not growing in Him  as we should.

The last session I taught on the false. It was an introduction as I realized there is so much more to be revealed. Scripture has a lot to say about the false apostles, false prophets, false shepherds, false christs and false teachers and I will continue to write about this in greater detail in coming times.

Women’s Apostolic Alliance is a ministry for women who are called to or who minister in the fivefold. Part of our mandate is to train and equip, and these training days are important so we all gain greater understanding of the fivefold and where and how we fit in the body of Christ.

I look forward to holding further training days, and my prayer is that all who are meant to join us or have a desire to find out more will contact us.


Glenice Mills

Leader of Women’s Apostolic Alliance

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