Ruth Paddon

A prophetic word by Ruth Paddon, a member of Women’s Apostolic Alliance

When I heard Proverbs 31 being taught I used to feel very inadequate and overwhelmed with the standard that God seemed to demand of women. The virtuous woman mentioned was actually from a royal family and she seemed to excel in all areas of life. However as I studied this passage in the context of the whole of Scripture I realised God was giving women a powerful message.

Proverbs tells us a wise woman builds her house and women have an ability to nurture and bring peace to a household through their love, encouraging words and prayers. However they also have an ability to wound using their tongues for criticism and gossip.

We know that males have equally a potential power to create or destroy and the Scripture is very clear that men and women need each other. That is why Christ was so emphatic about a man loving his wife like He loves the church. The secret is a woman will flourish in all areas of her life and family if she is loved unconditionally by God first, and her husband secondly if she’s married. This awesome love fills us to overflowing and with this confidence in our heart we can bless others.

There are many examples in Scripture of women who have been obedient to God’s love and call. The story of Ruth is an example. She forsook her whole culture, including her religion, and followed the true God of Israel with all her heart. She found a great source of love as she did this. As we allow God to fill us with his unconditional love and accept us as we are, we will bloom into our full call.

A true virtuous woman knows who she is in God. She knows it’s no longer her that lives but Christ who lives through her. She is aware of the power of her tongue to create or destroy. She is confident in her love relationship with Christ and does not need constant affirmation from any human. Her courage comes from knowing God’s love towards her and she can easily obey Him and trust His love. Human love is changeable but God’s love is unconditional and eternal. True blessing then comes into all areas of her life as she finds a place of rest in her heart. One of the biggest battles is to keep our peace and rest in a world of turmoil and confusion.

As she basks in God’s love she begins to find out who she is and was created to be. She learns that she will develop the fruit of the Holy Spirit in her life as she overcomes in her trials and obeys God every step of the way. She knows what gift she has been given from God, the Father, mentioned in Romans 12 verses 4 to 8.  A wise woman seeks to use her gifting to further God’s Kingdom. She knows herself from God’s point of view, wrapped in love.

A virtuous woman also knows what her main anointing is in the body of Christ. In Ephesians 4 verse 11, we are told that Jesus Christ left gifts to the church as five fold offices – apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists. She will find that she has one of those strong anointings on her life, even if not called to the office. Together with the gifts of the Spirit, and her gift from the Father she knows who she is in the Kingdom of God.

A virtuous woman knows she has been justified and sanctified by the Holy Spirit who resides in her and has no need to strive to seek perfection. Christ has already done it for her on the cross and declared her hidden in Christ and free from working out her own salvation.

Finally a virtuous woman operates everything in her life from a position of peace and rest deep in her heart. The rest that is talked about in Hebrews 4, is only attained through total trust in God’s love and forgiveness for her sins. Her daily walk with Christ is an adventure and the joy of the Lord is her strength. Worry is replaced by rest, joy and peace.

God enriches His women through His love and has given them an ability to nurture and bring up the next generation by teaching them the character of God. It is not a burden to be called a virtuous woman but a privilege and an honour from the throne of God Himself towards women. Enjoy your privilege knowing that it’s no longer you that lives but Christ that lives in you and He will enable and bring to pass his plans for your life. Let yourself off the hook of striving and comparison with others.

All things work together for those who love Christ. May the peace of God that passes all understanding garrison our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Blessings!