Leanne Christian

An encouraging testimony of the goodness of God by Leanne Christian, Women’s Apostolic Alliance Member

In a time of uncertainty, it’s good to know one thing remains intact…

…the character & goodness of God.

“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil” – Psalm 23:4

Evil  takes on many different forms. It’s not just that scary monster under your bed. It’s malice and division, hatred and anger, slander, gossip  and betrayal.

The outworking of these things can all but kill a person – break their heart, discourage their mind and exhaust their flesh. 

If fairy tales are never real and dreams do not come through,

And promises are never kept,

How come we struggle through?

I sit alone night in night out,

Where I cannot be seen,

Waiting for all my promises and dreaming all my dreams.

That was a poem I wrote when I was only 10 years old, a young girl with hopes and dreams. I was somewhat lost and broken, and yet destined to walk arm in arm with Jesus, despite all odds that would surface against me.

40  years on, that young girl has grown up, with children and grandchildren  of her own. I still have many hopes and many dreams. And at times I can  still feel a little lost and broken, but one thing has never changed and that is God’s love and grace like a banner over my life. His Arms have never been too short to reach me and He never leaves my side.

Despite malice, betrayal, hatred & division…

In amongst all the things that are designed to kill, steal and destroy, God’s abundant blessings continue to rain down upon me.

I  have the strength to continue because I am comforted by the One who  loves me and I am covered by His grace and favour that always abounds.

As  I walk through that valley of the shadow of death, the things I can  happily let fall away are my pride, my expectations (whether valid or  unrealistic), the disappointments and the need to defend myself from all  that is said and done against me.

For  the character of people, myself included, will inevitably fall short.  But the character of God will remain the same – intact in all His  fullness, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

So despite any hopes and dreams that continue to go unfulfilled as I walk out my journey with God, I transfer my hope in Him and I patiently wait until all my God given dreams come to pass in His good time.

For this I know…

God’s GOOD character remains no matter what. 

So  as I wait for the outworking of His perfect will for me, I dance and  sing in the Glory of His Goodness because like the end of Psalm 23 –

“Surely goodness and mercy will follow me, all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

May you be reminded today of His GOOD character.

Leanne Christian