Leanne Christian

A thought provoking prophetic word by Leanne Christian, a member of Women’s Apostolic Alliance.

Leanne writes on her Rhema revelation from God about Pornography.

Pornography!! Yes it’s everywhere. You can’t open a magazine or turn on the TV and not “see” it.

What used to be considered soft porn is now considered acceptable attire and actions for any young girl or boy in mainstream society.

When I was a child, sex scenes were not even displayed on television. A man and a woman were usually fully dressed, with the scene fading out and an implication that they were about to have sex. What was considered hard porn back then has also changed over the years.

Today hard porn has become an extreme, well beyond perverse display of evil sexual actions, often including regular displays of violence.

Lets have a look in the bible at Proverbs 7: 6 – 27 NIV

6. At the window of my house I looked down through the lattice.

7. I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who had no sense.

8. He was going down the street near her corner, walking along in the direction of her house

9. At twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark of night set in.

10. Then out came a woman to meet him, dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent.

11. She is unruly and defiant, her feet never stay at home;

12. Now in the street, now in the squares, at every corner she lurks.

13. She took hold of him and kissed him and with a brazen face she said:

14. “Today I fulfilled my vows, and I have food from my fellowship offering at home.

15. So I came out to meet you; I looked for you and have found you!

16. I have covered my bed with coloured linens from Egypt.

17. I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon.

18. Come, let’s drink deeply of love till morning;  let’s enjoy ourselves with love!

19. My husband is not at home; he has gone on a long journey.

20. He took his purse filled with money and will not be home till full moon.”

21. With persuasive words she led him astray; she seduced him with her smooth talk.

22. All at once he followed her like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose

23. till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life.

24. Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say.

25. Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths.

26. Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng.

27. Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.

I never fully understood this part of the Bible as to me it painted women in a really bad light.  But one day when I was reading this scripture, God gave me a little revelation. What if the word ‘Woman’ was replaced with the word ‘Porn’ What if Porn was lurking around the corner with crafty intent? What if it was Porn seducing the man with persuasive words and smooth talk? What if Porn was the one who said no one will know?

I’ll tell you a story about a confident young girl who found the guy of her dreams. They had fun together, they loved each other and he proposed to her. She was a virgin. He was not. He was a great guy from a loving family but he had a little secret friend, Porn. He didn’t watch Porn a lot, just a bit from time to time. It was no big deal to him. Everyone was doing it in private. The girl and guy got married and like all marriages it had its ups and downs, but they had a lot of laughs together, and deep down they loved each other dearly. The guy thought getting married would mean that somehow his secret friend Porn would fade away. But it didn’t. The marriage was better than he expected but not as good as he had hoped.

Somewhere along the way life happened. They had three children and the day to day stresses increased. He started to revisit his friend, Porn. Porn became a comfort to him. And his wife, well, she started to wonder why he looked at her differently now. Her confidence decreased and her insecurities rose to great proportions. She could never put her finger on why. He was a good man and on the surface everything seemed fine, but that deeper trust was shattered in an unexplainable way.

His visits with Porn became a regular thing, a daily habit and before he knew it, and if he was honest, he was hooked deep in addiction. Getting his pleasure from what was on the screen and every other girl, except for his wife. Somehow she was unable to please him anymore. He didn’t know why, he still loved her a lot. She felt the rejection and was slowly losing control of the wonderful marriage she had hoped for and dreamed of.

This is an all too common scenario in the lives of many married couples today. When we look at Proverbs 7, we see how easily temptation leads the man astray. We wonder how a good loving father and husband, like the one in the story above, who has a beautiful caring wife and three adorable children, can be tricked into going down such a deceitful, destructive path. A path that has no other way, but leads to death.

Here are some thoughts:

Just like the unruly and defiant woman in Proverbs 7, who lurks on every corner, Porn’s main goal is to seduce and entice so that it locks you in, leading you to death, and ultimately destroying not only your life but the lives of your wife and children.

The woman in Proverbs took the man on a path at twilight, as the day was fading and as the dark of night set in. When porn is hidden and not brought out into the light, it has the potential to trap on such a deep level where a person is so strongly entrenched that no matter how hard they try, they cannot escape it. And as in in v22 just like an ox going to slaughter or a deer stepping into a noose if you follow it, it will cost everything, even your life.

But if we yield, as in v24, ‘Now then my sons, listen to me, pay attention to what I say’ and listen to the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, picking up our cross, and daily submitting the worldly desires of our flesh to God, everything can be overcome.

I have seen Porn a couple of times throughout my life, but personally, I’ve never understood it. I could not comprehend the concept of look but don’t touch. I never really liked watching sports, I’d much prefer to play them. But I have seen how Porn lures people in and day by day presents compromises that would never have been crossed before. From what I’ve seen, Porn always leaves a path of devastation, and it always causes tragedy in peoples lives. It can even get to the point that it can drive the faithful wife into adultery, a place where she has never been before. She goes there as she cannot compete with the secret friend of her husband, and how it leaves her feeling unloved by him.

I’m no expert in this area but can I suggest, for anybody reading this blog, that has an attraction to porn or feels like they are constantly fighting a battle to not engage in watching it, can I encourage you to tell someone about it? Bring Porn into the light. Get accountable. Put measures in place so that the temptation to engage with Porn is reduced.

And if you are judged, condemned, or mocked when you share your story or your struggles, trust that God will deal with that person appropriately, and move on to someone else until you can find one who is willing to walk with you from dark to light, from hidden to seen, and help you fight the battle against the affliction and entanglement of Porn.

Every cloak of shame can be removed and every life can be redeemed with Jesus.