Part 2 of 4 – A Word for Australia – Clare Tremeer, Prophet and Intercessor

Recently we had an evening where four prophets shared a word for Australia, and the body of Christ of Australia.

A theme coming through all the words spoken were that we, God’s people, need to pray for, and cry out to God for His mercy.  We daren’t be complacent or asleep in this hour.

We will be releasing these prophetic words in four parts with each of the prophets, Glenice Mills, Clare Tremeer, Carol Meyer, and Kim Rane sharing His prophetic word.

Part 2 – Clare Tremeer, Prophet and Intercessor

Clare exhorts us to pray for Australia.  There is a remnant arising who is ready for battle.  Clare shares it is time to return to Him, to repent, and declare His Lordship.  Are we ready? Are you ready?


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