Carol Meyer

Prophetic word by Carol Meyer, member of Women’s Apostolic Alliance

‘Raise your voice’, I keep hearing the Lord say.  My spirit is stirred as I hear and see what is happening in our local areas.  Every day there is another car stolen or a house robbery by brazen young teenagers who have such a disregard for authority and disrespect for other people’s property. There are teenagers who are homeless and alone, the drug scene continues to take hold of our next generation and the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).

I feel God is calling intercessors, prayer warriors and praying parents and grandparents, in their local area to raise their voice. God is calling the church to gather and pray over their streets, their suburbs and families like never before. We are experiencing deliberate disregard, disrespect and fear-mongering amongst teenagers who are being influenced by the devil himself.  We are experiencing the loss of life taken way too soon. We are seeing our next generation become despondent, as though they are not worth anything, and they are turning to something to make them feel better or to take away the pain.

Whilst we have amazing intercessors and prayer teams gathering in unity to pray over our city, the Lord has been showing me, we need more.  We need the locals, the ones who live in the suburbs that are targeted, to start walking the streets and declaring God’s word.  He is calling for those who will raise their voice.  I have seen personally what can be done by those who are driven by desperation for change in their suburb, in their children, in their families.  Those who are willing to seek the Lord first, then putting that into action. The battle is real, it isn’t black and white, there is so much going on with them – family struggles, learning difficulties, bullying, drugs, loneliness, just trying to fit in – and it is breaking God’s heart. It isn’t what He intended for them.

In 2 Kings 22:15-20 and 2 Chronicles 34:23-28, the story of Huldah the prophetess unfolds as she seeks the Lord for King Josiah.  The word from the Lord was not an easy word to bring, but King Josiah was one who heeded that word and brought about the change necessary to bring people back to worshipping God.  The nation was changed.  Huldah was a woman who raised her voice in a time of great need.  She sought God on what He would have her say to King Josiah.

We must not leave this to the church at large and think that it is up to them and not to us as individuals.  We must all play our part and be a voice in this hour.  God is calling for it.  I see people who have lost their edge, they have become passive.  Yet that is when the enemy gets a foothold and will pry open that door to get in.  We need to stand, to be a voice.  It may be that it is just a whisper to start with, but God has given us all a voice, He has given us the ability to be able to converse with Him directly.  He is waiting for people who have had enough, to rise up and take their place.  The watchmen that use to be on the gates to suburbs have been knocked down and we need to stand strong to raise them up again.

It is time for our next generation to know their true identity, but how can we impart that to them if we don’t know who we are in God.  If we truly believe that we have the spiritual authority that Christ said we were given (Luke 10:19), then we should be set apart, we should be different, and that difference should be noticeable.

Imagine, if we all, each one of us, prayed for our youth in our own local area and showed our authority to an enemy who thinks he has won a battle.  He has already been defeated, but we must continue with the fight.   Our children, our next generation are relying on it.

God is looking for people who are willing to speak, to raise their voice for Him.  A people who will not be afraid to walk the streets to declare God’s presence and to re-claim the land for Him.   Once again, I feel we are in desperate times, and desperation calls for solutions.  God is the only solution.  “Rise up! Rise up!” I hear Him say. 

Our God is the same today as He was yesterday and the same that He will be tomorrow.  He needs us to be His hands and feet here on this earth.  He needs us to be His voice, to be of good courage and be strong. 

Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them, for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you.  He will not leave you nor forsake you”.   1 Corinthians 16:13 “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men (and women) of courage; be strong”.

RAISE YOUR VOICE in prayer to God and see what He will do. 

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