Clare Tremeer

Prophetic poetry by Clare Tremeer, Women’s Apostolic Alliance Member

The arms of tribulation come to us all,

Do not reject their love.

For despite the hurt and pain,

Do not be tempted to reject,

The wisdom and understanding they are sent to give.

They are sent to reprove, to restore, to illuminate,

The evils of this present darkness and even that within you

Within their grip is love sent to heal.

Do not miss the truth by misunderstanding.

I sent even My own precious Son into these cold arms,

For in this testing He overcame all temptation.

Will you choose to engage them too?

To learn from My wisdom sent just and especially for you?

My Word cries, “Buy first My wisdom”, 

For it is as pure and deep healing truth.

For without it, you will not see full and true salvation.

So when the arms of tribulation come,

Do not reject them.

For it is My love to those I choose!

To those who I have earmarked for deep travail.

That will seal you to My Spirit,

So you can endure the shakings yet to come.

My Spirit cries to those in this wilderness…

Come! Come!

Turn deep inward and back to Me,

As I establish a right and true spirit within you.

See Me! See Me!

As those arms of tribulation lock around you,

Do not reject Me, for I come to reprove.

Take hold of them and work with Me.

For those arms of tribulation are really,

My arms of love and help to secure you.

So I cry out to you all in desperation…

The arms of tribulation will reach to all,

Do not My precious, reject their love.

Welcome Me! Welcome Me!

Let Me break your heart with Mine.

Then and only then will you shine, and be found alive in Me!
