Katie Dunstan

Prophetic word by Katie Dunstan, Women’s Apostolic Alliance member


I was at the beach, and the tide was coming in, when I heard the Lord say “THE TIDE IS RISING”! Then I heard Him say “THE TIDE OF THE TIDDAS IS ARISING”.


“TIDDA” is a meaningful word used amongst many of Australia’s First Nations women. It means Sister or Sis, but is so much richer than those words alone. This word “Tidda” is so endearing and used between many First Nation tribes and languages, permeating geographical and tribal boundaries. It embodies love, honour and respect.

It is time for the TIDDAS to arise and break forth like the dawning of a NEW day, bringing through them, waves of fresh revelation, waves of new ways and new strategies. They are carriers of a new sound. For some of you (Tiddas) it has felt like it’s been a long time coming. The time has now come! I sense that all of heaven is announcing ‘who is this that bursts forth like the dawning of a new day.’

“Who is this, arising like the dawn, as fair as the moon, as bright as the sun, as majestic as an army with billowing banners” (Song of Songs 6:10 NLT) 

“Who is this woman? She is like the sunrise in all of it’s glory. She is as beautiful as the moon. She is as bright as the sun. She is as majestic as the stars traveling across the sky”. (Song of Songs 6:10 NIRV)

Tiddas, this is you, the Beloved’s Bride!


This is a time to come out from hiding. Some of you might consider that you have been TUCKED AWAY WHERE NO ONE CAN TOUCH YOU but I feel the Lord say “I AM BREAKING YOU OUT FROM BEHIND THE ROCK and BREAKING YOU FORTH TO STAND ON THE ROCK. I am unveiling the raw beauty of my bride. I am raising you up to display my splendour”.

For a long time, some of you have felt like you have been HIDDEN UNDER A ROCK but the Lord says “I HAVE HIDDEN YOU IN THE CLEFT OF THE ROCK AND NOW IS THE TIME TO COME FORTH – ARISE!” 

Many have been earthbound in the natural not able to rise. Now the Lover of your soul will cause you to ARISE with the TIDE OF THE TIMES. This is your SEASON TO ARISE AND SHINE. Yes arise and shine for your light has come and the GLORY of the Lord rises upon you (Isaiah 60:1).

No longer shall you hide your light under a bushel. This time, again, I say “LET THERE BE LIGHT”!!  The GENESIS light will stream forth bringing new life and freshness. My light will be released afresh through the sound of the Tiddas, whose mouths I am filling, whose eyes I am opening, whose ears will hear my voice with crystal clear clarity.    

Part 2 coming soon!

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