Joy Meek

Poem by Joy Meek, Women’s Apostolic Alliance Member             

Are your spiritual ears tuned into the Fathers voice? 

Sometimes it’s your name He whispers in the silence of the night,

Maybe it’s a small voice you hear when you are doing your work,

Do you stop to listen? Or do you just dismiss the loving call of your

Heavenly Father as He invites you to come into His presence?

Will you make time to find out the many words of wisdom

that He wants to impart to you?

Maybe He just wants to wrap His loving arms around you and say,

I know, I understand what your going through, I’ll be with you.

Don’t worry, fear not, I’ll never leave you nor forsake you,

You are so precious to Me. My Word never changes, you can rely on Me.

I know your beginning and your end.

I was there when you were created in the secret place of your

 mother’s womb, I watched you as you developed,

I celebrated on the day you were born.

When you were presented to the world, I knew who you were,

and what you were created to be in My kingdom.

Don’t look around and be alarmed at what you see now,

keep your eyes on Me and I will make your paths straight.

I cannot tell you everything for your future as you would be overwhelmed,

You know only in part, in this way you will learn to put your trust in Me,

and your faith will grow as I guide you along the paths of life

into a place that you could not imagine.

I AM, the one that created all things in the Heavens and on the earth below,

 I AM, the All-Knowing One.

So, listen to My Word and be guided by My Holy Spirit and follow Me.

I have so much I would like to tell you. I have given you My Word,

so you will be able to know who I AM, and what I require from you,

I would like you to spend time with Me in My presence,

 then you will know and understand the great love I have for you.

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