Lynn B. Fowler

Poem by Lynn B. Fowler, Women’s Apostolic Alliance Member


(Revelation 1:12-17)

I knew You

my friend

together trudging

dust-heavy roads

together sharing

the joys and burdens

of our souls.

I followed You

my rabbi:

teacher unlike any other

dissecting the wisdom

of the ages

with scalpel-words.

I watched You


touching blindness with sight

touching lack with abundance

touching death

with life.

I glimpsed You

in Your majesty

as on the mountain briefly

suppressed glory sundered humanity

and breaking forth

dazzled us

with light.

I leaned against You

dearly loved

at that strange-sad supper

where You took a servant’s towel

and served us

not with bread and wine

but with Yourself.

I stood by You

in Your brokenness:

watched helplessly

as they beat You,

mocked You,

pierced You

and left You

to death’s agonies

with criminals.

I welcomed You

risen conqueror

as leaving death’s

invalid chains behind

and bursting forth

You walked among us

in victory.

But now…

I see

with eyes newly opened

One I never knew:

fire-blazing eyes

and furnaced-bronze feet;

once oft-heard voice roars

like all the oceans of the world;

once child-holding hands

hold stars;

once familiar face

outshines the sun.


I understand

My God and King

why ancients said

that looking on Your face

one could not live:

and I fall at Your feet

as dead.

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