Report on Our Evening with Sue Baynes



23 May 2023


Part of the mandate for Women’s Apostolic Alliance is to hear from, stand with, and support in prayer women who have a significant role in the many areas of influence of governance, both in the church and the community.


We were very blessed to have Sue Baynes share with us at our recent WAA evening. Sue holds a very significant position as the Pastoral Adviser to the Mayor of our local city council here on the Gold Coast. This is a first in Australia and Sue is indeed a Forerunner.


We, on the Gold Coast are so blessed to have a Mayor who is a Christian, however we know there is also an enemy who would oppose this.


The local government elections are coming up in March next year and it is important that we know what and how to pray into the areas that would try and derail His Kingdom purposes here on the Gold Coast. We have gained greater understanding as Sue shared, and we will be able to pray more strategically in times ahead.


After Sue shared we also had a time of prayer that was very powerful.


God is using many amazing women whom He has positioned in strategic and influential areas, and Sue is one.


Thank you Lord for key women who are arising and taking their place, speaking out, and their voices are being heard!


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