Poem by Bonita Mills, Women’s Apostolic Alliance member

Fear not little one, growing in the womb, even now you contend and have victory of life over death

Fear not little one, growing in the womb, even now you have a future and call

Beloved little one, growing in the womb, even now you will be a sign to the evil one of the things to come

Even now little one, even now you stand as a light in the face of darkness

Dear little girl of 3 years old, don’t hold it against them

Dear little girl of 5 years old, don’t bury yourself under that burden

Dear little girl of 7 years old, forget not your childhood, don’t let it be stolen from you

Dear little girl of 10 years old, don’t listen to those words that hurt and cut. There is no truth in them

Dear little girl of 13 years old, remember your worth. You are valuable beyond measure

Dear little girl of 14 years old, don’t let them take from you what is pure

Dear little girl of 16 years old, stand tall, don’t bow, do not surrender your heart before those who know not your worth

Dear young woman of 18 years old, cling to the light of your future and hope, do not grow weary and do not grow faint but cling to the light of your future and hope

Dear young woman of 20 years old, I can confirm that you are as powerful as that still small voice suggests

Dear young woman of 21, you are more than enough

Dear young woman of 23, the victory is already yours. Your words pierce and cut through the enemy’s camp. Raise your voice and let it be known that you are chosen of Christ. 

Dear young woman of 25, your journey is just beginning

Dear young mum of 30 years old, you are doing better than you think. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Cruelty bears nothing but grief, especially when directed at self. 

Dear young woman of 35, time is as short as you have always guessed, sow yourself eternally

Dear beloved woman of 40 years old, the Lord is on your side, forget not His faithfulness, abandon not His truth, even His truth about who you are to Him

Dear bold woman of 50 years old, you have trampled on serpents underfoot, you have declared and decreed the hope of glory, continue steadfast until the coming of the Lord.

Good and faithful is He for all the days of your life…