Walk Circumspectly – A Word from Glenice Mills, Prophet

WALK CIRCUMSPECTLY GLENICE MILLS 15TH APRIL 2024   We live in a time where we have great need to be led by His Spirit, like never before. I am personally so aware of committing my ways to the Lord, and only going and doing as He instructs and leads. This can often be seen as […]

Stand with Israel and the Jewish People – Belinda Jabore – Prophet

A prophetic word by Belinda Jabore, a member of Women’s Apostolic Alliance   As I was praying and interceding I had a strong sense, and saw there is a sorting going on between nations: those for, and those not for Israel – who are going against Israel and the Jewish people – God’s people.   There […]

Part 4 of 4 – A Word for Australia – Kim Rane, Warning Prophet

Recently we had an evening where four prophets shared a word for Australia, and the body of Christ of Australia. A theme coming through all the words spoken were that we, God’s people, need to pray for, and cry out to God for His mercy.  We daren’t be complacent or asleep in this hour. We […]

Part 3 of 4 – A Word for Australia – Carol Meyer, Prophet

Recently we had an evening where four prophets shared a word for Australia, and the body of Christ of Australia. A theme coming through all the words spoken were that we, God’s people, need to pray for, and cry out to God for His mercy.  We daren’t be complacent or asleep in this hour. We […]

Part 1 of 4 – A Word for Australia – Glenice Mills, Warning Prophet

Recently we had an evening where four prophets shared a word for Australia, and the body of Christ of Australia. A theme coming through all the words spoken were that we, God’s people, need to pray for, and cry out to God for His mercy.  We daren’t be complacent or asleep in this hour. We […]

Indifference – The Sin of Indifference


INDIFFERENCE – THE SIN OF INDIFFERENCE Glenice Mills 12th February 2023   Indifference is one of the most dangerous attitudes that can subtly come in, deceive, and derail us from God’s plan and purpose for our lives. What is the meaning of indifference? It is a lack of interest, enthusiasm, concern, or sympathy, being detached […]